viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Week Four

 weather forecast!!

Good morning and welcome to the weather forecast.
let`s tke a look at the weather outside now.
Whats is like? Well. It`s currently raining and cloudy inthe cente of bogota, for this I will  go to wear sunglasses, while in the north is stormy and strong rainy, It`s very cloudy, but it`s rather few cold up here in the center.
The temperature is currendly 16 degrees un the north and 12 degrees un the center.
Shall we see what the weather will be like tomorrow? Well, it will be rainy in the north and very windy in the center in the afernoon, the center will also windy weather with somo rainy later tn the day. In the north will change, we see a big sunny turnning cloudy weather with some rain later in the day.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Week Three

Describing jobs activities!

I´m Mauricio Trujillo and i am 18 years old
I´m a professional sportsman 
I Practice this sport five years ago
This is an urban sport, but sometimes it is a job for me because i have sessions of publicity
and from this I get money.

My hobbie and job is practice skateboard, I love it and this gives me everything to live.

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

Week two


She is Luisa fernanda Trujillo
she´s twenty-two years old.
Luisa is single and very beautiful, in this photograph she dresses a clothes very nice
she is from colombia, she live in Bogota Capital City
She studies food engineering, she works very much because she´s a responsible woman and she likes not to depend on anybody to live
for this, she likes to rest when she is in the house, she does not more, always she sleep all day or speak for chat
Sometime she walks his dog or goes to cinema with a friend
She dance very well, and she likes to lisen music.